The conflict. Is using many products the way to go? Or is it not using a thing? Everybody makes a different decision, but the truth is, in this age we have so much access to so much information, not knowing which is the one truth, what is the right way?
But is there even a right way? Are sulfates really the enemy? Is dairy really bad for you?
If that is true, then why are they so damn expensive? Does that mean that people who cannot afford them will not have good health?
Even though we have so much access to information, it does not automatically make us professionals in every field. Reading Medscape or WebMD will not make you the best health expert, and that’s me being optimistic, I know a lot of people are not reading from trustworthy sources, I know many people read bits on the internet written by people like them, yet they still have the sense of entitlement and feel like they are the ultimate expert. (I am not saying I am not included, because I do sometimes behave this way).
Is doing your own research really enough to make right decisions? Do we really not need to seek help from professionals? Why is there so much mistrust between people and persons of a profession, whether it is a doctor or a hairdresser?
In my home there was a saying, roughly translated from Arabic it means “Give the baker the bread, even if he eats half of it.” In that one sentence, it tells you the kind of trust you should have to a person who is working in a job, trust that he will give you the best result you can get, even if you feel like he ate half of it.
It is the same when you feel like the hair dresser cut too much of your hair, it was probably the best to do that, so your hair will look better and healthier.
I am not saying you should not question or have your opinions and the way you like things done. I am just saying to be respectful to someone who worked hard to work this job, and not to feel like you Definitely know better or more than they do. You probably don’t, this doctor worked hard to get through med school, and this hairdresser has maybe been working for 10+ years. Just be respectful people, stop the “I know better” mentality.
Is “Natural” always better? Can our skin absorb everything we put on it? Will the things we use make us ill or die?
Is drinking water better than moisturizing?
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